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I want to express my endless gratitude to Tom Epstein for his guidance in writing this thesis. 

Thank you for encouraging me to put my chaotic creativity into my academic work, for your patience with me as I've stumbled through this thesis, and for your support these past four years at Boston College. I truly couldn't have made it through college, let alone this thesis, without you.

I would also like to thank the Boston College Frontier Fellowship program for providing me with funding in the spring of 2020 to begin exploring the possibilities of painting cinema. I am extremely grateful for that funding and the new horizons that it opened for me.

I would also like to thank Professor Eileen Sweeney for her dedication to this year's philosophy thesis writers. 

Thank you for your down-to-earth approach to academia, for your inspiring presence as a woman in philosophy, and for encouraging me to approach this thesis creatively.

I would also like to offer a special thank you to Jennessa Bryson for her excellent performance in the prologue.

And finally, I would like to thank all of my dear friends who have had to listen to me stress about this thesis for months. I'm done! 

This thesis is dedicated to my father, Nicholas Zinos,

for inspiring my love of Russian literature, icons, and cinema




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