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Decadent Cosmos publishes a wide variety of works by artists and writers.


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Our serial zine!

Inspired by the samizdat and tamizdat of Soviet dissident writers, as well as by the alternative publications of the underground punk scene (zines!), Decadent Cosmos Press is excited to announce its new initiative to encourage independent, individual or collaborative zine making! 


Punkizdat is our "imprint" dedicated to encouraging zine-making, provide resources, and archive zines by artists, poets, and others creators looking to distribute and archive their work. 


Email us at decadentcosmos[at] to add your zine to our archive!


Decadent Cosmos is very excited to announce the launch of a new publication: Tongue. Tongue is our quasi-academic journal that will be published yearly. Calling all dispossessed, disenchanted, and/or disappointed academics as well as those writers who carefully avoid academia. The only requirement for consideration is that your paper has something to do with language. Interpret that as you please. Deadline is June 1st, 2023. 

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